Sold under the Mobil ™ Aromatic Liquid brand in the United States, Solvesso ™ Aromatic Solvents are heavy aromatic grades with high dissolving power and controlled evaporation properties and are versatile in many industrial and agricultural applications. I'm a performer. The aromatic content of
Flavored liquids is typically around 99 percent or higher. They are offered in three boiling ranges with different volatility. Low naphthalene (less than 1 wt%) and ultra-low naphthalene (0.1 wt%) grades are also available to minimize labeling requirements. The two main uses of
Aromatic liquids are pesticides and coatings. For agricultural applications, aromatic liquids can be used as active ingredient solvents, usually as emulsifiable concentrates. In coatings, it is used as a solvent for architectural and industrial applications. In both areas, high solvency is essential for good results.